Supporting Health
Patients with chronic diseases or elderly people often have difficulty in satisfying their daily dietary needs, a fact that soon leads to malnutrition. Cancer and cancer treatment can affect the appetite of a patient or the body's ability to tolerate certain foods. Even people with swallowing or gastrointestinal problems require a precautious approach to nutrition.
Therefore, a proper medical nutrition plays a vital role in helping patients restore nutrient deficiencies, maintain their strength and prevent the complications of treatment. Good nutrition also helps patients to overcome some of the problems related to eating and drinking so that they can have a better feeling of wellbeing.
More specifically, nutrition support offers the following benefits for patients in active treatment or recovery :
- acts as a countermeasure against malnutrition
- helps the patient tolerate treatment or surgery, heal wounds and recover faster,
- prevents muscle wasting,
- helps patient to maintain body strength and energy,
- assists in fighting the illness,
- reduces treatment's side effects and complications
The field of medical nutrition is rapidly evolving and clinical results show that the benefits of nutrition support are significant not only towards patient health but also towards the financial aspects of treatment since a proper medical nutrtion reduces therapy costs.
At Rocam Ltd, we work closely with hospitals, therapists, physicians and patient organizations to support the development of high quality products for disease management. These products offer the desired solutions to both healthcare professionals and their patients.